Privacy Policy

Last updated: June 2nd 2024


Security and privacy are at the heart of what we do. Accordingly, we think it’s important to be transparent about what we do with your information and how we handle it.  This Privacy Policy describes how we process and handle data provided to us in connection with your use of our products, services, apps, and websites that link to this policy (we refer to these collectively as our “services”).

This policy uses the term “personal data” to refer to information that is related to an identified or identifiable natural person and is protected as personal data under applicable data protection law.

Who are we?

This policy covers the data processing practices of FREE VPN PLANET.

In this policy, “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to the particular company from the list above that provides you with the services and is responsible for handling your data by this policy. For mobile apps, you can identify which company this is by looking at which company is listed as offering the app on the download page for that app or reviewing its terms of service. 

1. What information do we collect about you?

This section describes the various types of information we collect from and about you. This information is not collected in all situations, but only in specific situations. 

1.1. Information you provide to us

  • Communications. You may choose to provide us with information, your email in particular, when you communicate with us (e.g. via email for support or to inquire about our services).

1.2. Information collected when you use our services

  • Usage information. We collect information about how you interact with our services, such as how much bandwidth you use, and when and for how long you use our services.
  • Device information. We collect information from and about the device you use to access our services. For example, we may collect device identifiers, browser types, device types and settings, operating system versions, mobile, wireless, and other network information (such as internet service provider name, carrier name and signal strength), and application version numbers.
  • Diagnostic information. We may collect information about the nature of the requests that you make to our servers (such as what is being requested, information about the device and app used to make the request, timestamps, and referring URLs). However, we do not log any information that associates your identity with your VPN browsing activity. We do not maintain any records that show what you were browsing or accessing through a VPN connection.
  • Location information. We may collect your location information based on a variety of sources, such as your device’s GPS or by calculating an approximate latitude and longitude based on your IP address.

We use the information we collect for various purposes described below.

  • To provide, maintain, troubleshoot, and support our services. We use your information for this purpose on the basis that it is required to fulfil our contractual obligations to you. Examples: using information about how much bandwidth you use and how long you use our services in order to provide the services in accordance with a plan to which you have subscribed; using threat and device information to determine whether certain items pose a potential security threat; using location information to connect you to the nearest and fastest VPN server; and using usage information to troubleshoot a problem you report with our services and to ensure the proper functioning of our services.
  • To communicate with users and prospective users. We use your information to communicate with you, including by responding to your requests. We may do this in order to fulfil our contract with you because you consented to the communication, or because we have a legitimate interest in providing you with information about our services.
  • To improve our services. We want to offer you the best services and user experiences we can, so we have a legitimate interest in continually improving and optimizing our services. To do so, we use your information to understand how users interact with our services. Examples: we analyze certain usage, device, and diagnostic information to understand aggregated usage trends and user engagement with our services (and, for example, invest in technical infrastructure to better serve regions with increasing user demand); we may use device and threat information to conduct spam, threat, and other scientific research to improve our threat detection capabilities.
  • To prevent harm or liability. We may use information for security purposes (such as to investigate security issues or to monitor and prevent fraud) and to prevent abuse. We may do this to comply with our legal obligations, to protect an individual’s vital interests, or because we have a legitimate interest in preventing harm or liability to us and our users. For example, we may use usage, and device information to determine if an entity is engaging in abusive or unauthorized activity in connection with our services.

2. Who do we share your information with and why?

We do not share your information with any third parties. Your privacy is our utmost priority, and we ensure that any information you provide, such as your valid email address during support requests, is kept confidential.

3. Tracking Technologies & Cookies

We do not use any cookies on our website for any of the following reasons: to track user activity, to personalize content, to analyze website performance, or to serve targeted advertisements. Furthermore, we do not collect, store, or share any personal information or browsing data with third parties. Your privacy is our top priority, and we are committed to providing a secure and anonymous browsing experience.

4. Security

Our service is secure, and we employ a range of administrative, organizational, technical, and physical safeguards to protect your connection data against unauthorised access, loss, or modification. However, we never store your personal information or share it with third parties. Your privacy is our top priority, and we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of data protection.

5. Data Retention

We do not store any data on users. When a user submits a help request, we request only a minimum amount of information, specifically a valid email address. We do not retain any personal data beyond what is necessary for sending a help request, ensuring that your privacy is fully protected.

6. Age Restrictions

Our services have no age restrictions as we do not collect any personal data and do not expose any age-restricted content. We may not know the age of our users since no personal data is provided.

7. Privacy Policy Updates

We expect this Privacy Policy to change over time and welcome feedback from our users about our privacy practices. If you have any questions or complaints about our privacy policy, you can contact us at [email protected].